Monday 17 October 2011

Work on a moonday

Friday 7 October 2011

Alphabeth of Sirach

I found this during a research and it seems really interesting to me. It is a part of the banned books of the bible. It is called the alphabeth of Sirach. I hope you find it as interesting as i did too.

  1. "Honor the Ethiopian before thou hast need of him" (Eccles. 38:1)
  2. "If a son do not conduct himself like a son, let him float on the water."
  3. "Gnaw the bone that falls to thy lot whether it be good or bad."
  4. "Gold must be hammered, and the child must be beaten."
  5. "Be good and refuse not thy portion of good."
  6. "Woe to the wicked man and woe to his companions."
  7. "Cast thy bread upon the waters and upon the land, for thou shalt find it after many days" (Eccles. 11:1)
  8. "Hast thou seen a black ass? [Then] it was neither black nor white."
  9. "Bestow no good upon that which is evil, and no evil will befall thee."
  10. "Restrain not thy hand from doing good."
  11. "The bride enters the bridal chamber and, nevertheless, knows not what will befall her."
  12. "A nod to the wise is sufficient; the fool requires a blow." (Proverbs 22:15)
  13. "He who honors them that despise him is like an ass."
  14. "A fire, when it is kindled, burns many sheaves" (James 3:5)
  15. "An old woman in the house is a good omen in the house"
  16. "Even a good surety has to be applied to for a hundred morrows; a bad one for a hundred thousand."
  17. "Rise quickly from the table and thou wilt avoid disputes."
  18. "In thy business deal only with the upright."
  19. "If the goods are near at hand, the owner consumes them; but if they are at a distance, they consume him."
  20. "Do not disavow an old friend."
  21. "Thou mayest have sixty counselors, but do not give up thy own opinion"
  22. "He that was first satisfied and then hungry will offer thee his hand; but not he that was first hungry and then satisfied."

Friday 23 September 2011


For how long?
For how long will I keep these emotions bottled in?
For how long will I refuse to tell you something because I don’t want to hurt you
For how long will we stop being just partners and start being friends again?
For how long?

For how long?
For how long will I continue to allow you be the person you did not used to be?
For how long will you stop being the person I never knew?
For how long will I wait to have you be the friend I once had?
For how long?

For how long?
For how long will this pain last?
For how long will my heart continue to be broken?
For how long can I keep up the bold face?
For how long will I be without my friend?
For how long?

Wednesday 3 August 2011

My Manhood

What kind of title is this?
Boluwaji won't believe this?
Chinedu 'll scream holy shit,
Danjuma 'll shout foul,
And Shalom 'll say, "I didn't teach you this".

Oh, My Manhood!
Even if i sound obscene,
My dear brothers
Lend me your ears.

For a long time
I have sought a satisfactory answer, nay reason
For the early morning erection I experience daily,
Yet, it isn't because I'm usually in the warm embrace of a naked beauty in bed
Or that I regularly journey to the world of the great Venus
Hmm! I hear it's a call to the dawn of a new day.

But is our 'organs' not a useful endowment, a special gift from our Creator?
So, why do brothers abuse, throw their into pools?
Why do brothers play deaf to sermons, divine injunctions and rules?
No wonder in ignorance, they take ladies of the night for fools.
It is proof of a man's virility,
So a friend once cooed into my ears
But is it enough for men to lust after women with reckless abandon?

These men keep counting numbers,
Of the ladies they have bedded
For sex is the only food that satisfies their sexual hunger
As their insatiable urge keeps getting stronger
But they forget they are not getting younger.

These men visit Cafeterias
In hysteria and engage in raunchy acts
They frequent hotels, et al
Where they squander money like water
And with pride, they mouth they machoism,
While also announcing their 'arrival' and hippy mentality

But little do they know
Their warped sense of pleasure
Will soon drag them into bottomless pit of pains
When they contract the dreaded STD.

But let's all take a voyage around true manhood;
It doesn't corrupt its hood
It doesn't cause virgins to stumble
It doesn't bring mature ladies in trouble.

So, dear bachelors,
Seek not pleasure in sexual healing
For it keeps you some distance away from your treasured dreams.
Won't you lend me your ears,

Lover boys
Whose 'organs' leap at the sight of strippers,
Whose 'organs' bounce, halla...
Whose eyes glitter at the opening of condoms,
Whose conscience seize when they are away from prying eyes?

In their lust, their manhood has
Defiled so many....
Messed up beautiful dreams in their gestation
Rewritten destinies for the worse
So, why follow in the footsteps of the fallen heroes?
Why not read Wale Shammah's poem titled 'Fallen heroes'?

Oh! My Manhood, I prophesy,
That you will plant seeds of virtues, good values in humanity
That you will not father Hophni and Phinehas
That you will not reenact the Biblical Prophet Eli's misadventure again.

Beloved brothers, beware
The true test of your manhood,
Lies not in its length and breadth,
Thickness or thinness,
Ability to explore all arenas and corners,
Or the tick-tock of time wasted in bed
But behold, it lies in your changing the world positively,
Before you breathe your last!

Tuesday 12 April 2011


Alas! O Compatriots
Your nation's call obey
O Youth compatriots
The clarion call you obeyed
Not for the profit you may gain
For what shall it benefit you
If your nation profits no gain
And bleak the future seems to you

You made the dangerous decision
You chose to get involved
Knowing the true condition
You dared to the risks involved
You gave your intellect and time
None will ever know the depth
So that our votes may count this time
You went the extra length

Not knowing what the future holds
You gave your all for all and once
Until it all eventually unfolds
Indeed you are the greatest ones
With dedication and selflessness
Even when it was not convenient
Your memory shall ever be fresh
O great compatriots

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Sent from my Nokia XpressMusic phone

Just Fooling Around

Dear Fans/Audience,

The beauty of wiriting is that you can just do it to fool around. Just anyone can write. And the most beautiful aspect of writing is that you don't always have to do it satisfy anyone.

Just like i am doing now. I couldn't think of anything tangible to write. I just decided i was going to write without much editing or even reading over what i have written. Probably because i have often heard it being said that, if you have a talent for writing and it seems like a big task, the key is to just write. And infact, tha is why i have created this blog to help me boost my writing.

I know it's not gonna be easy. But, i'm willing to give it a try, provided i have enough audience to follow me and criticize me objectively.

Writing is fun when you set to it. Once you start writing, you may find it difficult (just like me) to put a final full stop. But, i guess i will lay my pen, or rather my keyboard, to rest now so as to give you a break to prepare for my next write-up. Who knows? It might even be about you. And it might also be un-edited. Watch out!!!

Sincerely yours,

Omotee Omoobajesu.

Monday 4 April 2011


The final declaration of Rauf Aregbesola of the Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN), over his contender, Olagunsoye Oyinlola of the People’s Democratic Party (PDP), as the rightful elected governor of Osun state, in the April 2007 elections a definite breakthrough for the state and the country in general. It is a sure sign that the electoral process is getting ahead for the better.
The decision of the appeal court, sitting in Ibadan, to rule on four out of five points, in favour of Rauf Aregbesola, put a sudden end to a misrule of more than three (3) years in the state, under the leadership of its past governor Olagunsoye Oyinlola.
The Court of Appeal in Ibadan, after doing a critical review decided that Oyinlola did not deserve the position with which he was unlawfully bestowed in 2007. Four out of the five-member panel sitting on the matter decided that out of the thirty (30) local government areas, the results of ten (10) local government areas will be disqualified.
The panel agreed that based on the evidences it was given that, out of the 30 local government areas in the state, only twenty (20) held elections. The remaining 10 local government areas which were said initially to have been part of the results of the 2007 elections held no elections at all.
It was on the results garnered from these 10 local government areas, where ‘ghost’ elections were held that, the incumbent governor at the time, Olagunsoye Oyinlola, based his victory. His ACN opponent, Rauf Aregbesola, however, believed that he was able to capture at least two-thirds of the votes in the 20 local government areas that held the elections.
The power of incumbency, however, still remained with Oyinlola and the PDP. This he proved when he challenged Aregbesola to either produce the police report (one he claimed Aregbesola had forged) which he presented before the Appeal Court in Ibadan or drop the case, so that peace could reign in the state. This, however, did not dampen Aregbesola’s resolve to see justice delivered promptly.
Aregbesola then sent a petition to a five-man Elections Petitions Tribunal established by the Supreme Court to listen to the case.
The elections tribunal chairman, Alli Garba, in May 2010 upheld the election of Oyinlola, and dismissed the petition of Aregbesola on the ground that the petition lacks merit and substantial proof. Aregbesola, nevertheless, went ahead to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the mandate rightly belonged to him.
He Not satisfied, Rauf Aregbesola, decided, therefore, to appeal the result of May 2010, with the belief that the mandate was not given to the right man. He insisted that, since elections did not hold in 10 local government areas that the results of those areas be cancelled, while the results remaining 20 local government areas, that had the elections held in them, be used as yardstick for judging the April 2007 elections.
After much ado, the new five-member panel on Friday, November 26, 2010, declared the supposed elections that were thought to have taken place in those 10 local government areas were regarded null and void. While, using, the other 20 local government areas where election took place to base their judgement, they came to a conclusion on whose mandate was stolen and whose it really was.
Aregbesola was declared the winner. The joy of the indigenes of the state knew no bound. They had prayed for this justice and had their prayers answered. They were tired of being ruled by the person who had no right ruling them. Kudos, they gave all the way to the birth of just and true electoral process.
If truly the five-member panel based their judgement on only 20 local government areas that Aregbesola has won, what of the other elections, the legislative for example, that took place in the state? It might have been better to have a re-run of all elections, including the elections into legislative positions, in the state.
On the other hand, the tribunal should have reviewed the legislative elections based also on the 20 local government areas that the elections were said to have taken place.
While celebrating with the people of Osun state on justice well delivered, it is important to bring to the attention of the electoral commission that their work is not done yet. They need to do a total overhaul of the electoral process in Osun state.