Monday 19 September 2022

Ever wondered why love at all?
Ever wondered why it sometimes get complicated?
Ever wondered why you hold on despite the uncertainties?
Ever wondered why you chose the one you chose?
Ever wondered why you will do it all over again?

Love is beautiful and ugly all at once
Love brings out both the best and worst in you
Love can make a sick man well
Love can make a well man sick
Love is can make one start to live again

Sunday 18 September 2022

In My Feelings

My heart is overwhelmed and I’m trying to explain the feeling. I can’t even sleep. It feels like both anger and hurt. My heart races and wrenches at the same time.

I know what it feels when the one you think knows and understands you perfectly holds a past grudge or quarrel over your head. I felt all by myself. It was like all hopes was lost again and the cycle is starting again.

I had reasons to retaliate and point out some past grudges so that I could justify myself and give myself some comfort that I’m not so bad after all.

I’m exhausted but sleep is far from me. My extreme exhaustion after a long day’s work is no longer evident and when I say I want to get away from it all, it is carefully misconstrued. Oh! So depressing it is. 

I can’t go down this path anymore. I have been reborn. I chose life not what others think I should get. Although difficult, I chose to see and believe the best in myself despite what I hear. Even when my tears flow, I will not be broken. Love lives here. That’s final!


 I want to live again in that trust

Trust that we once had

Trust that was unfaltering

I want to believe I have more

Even though I saw it being trampled on

I saw it all but waited

Waited for your admissions

Hoped on your confessions

That I may believe in our redemption

Because hope should make ashamed 

I thought we had friendship

I thought it was a true relationship

I wanted us to be true

Fears allayed, trust unwanted

The perfect example of wholesomeness

When it finally came

It was a confrontation

Then came the admission

Oh! The heartache

Heart shattered in a million pieces 

Heartache perfectly concealed

Over the years in endurance

I thought I could take it

But all I did was fake it

Redemption was not in sight

The spark we had was no more

Gave it my best some more

The hope that maybe someday

All our fear are put allayed

All you ever wanted was be away from me

I asked and you ignored

I prodded and you insinuated it wasn't my business

It made me think ove and over again

I believe I deserve some closure

And I see it is the one thing you won't give

I ask myself, "where did I go wrong?"

I promised never to fall in love and here I am

I promised not to be misled into trusting

Because MisTrust is all I ever knew

And it seems like it is all I will ever know 

Then it finally dawned on me

Even fairytales are not real

All that life has to offer is a lie

From the tender age of 8 till now

I guess I will always live this lie

Tuesday 11 April 2017

My Wish

I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish I could have yesterday
I wish I could have planned again
I wish there was a different order to things
Oh how much change that would have made

Love comes at us and takes us in one big sweep
Love, oh how sweet a feeling
Love the language of trust, respect and gratitude
Gratitude for one more chance
To live a life of colour and beauty

And then when the dividends come
All you can do is wonder
Wonder how love can make us do things
And not even give a thought to the outcomes
But, how can we know

Can love make you cry?
Can love drive away your fears?
Can love give you hope and assurance?
Can it make you doubt yourself?
Yes! Love can do all these things

So, I ask for the one thing that will make it count
Strength to keep believing even in doubt
Even with no assurance
Even when there's no one to understand
Strength to be my own shoulder

At the end, all that matters
Is how much we make it count
And lived to the fullest of our potential
Amidst the doubt, fear and hopelessness
This is true living

Monday 13 February 2017


As hot as fire
As discerning as the wise old one
As soothing as a balm
As calming as the gentle breeze
So is your love to me

Every time you touch me
There's never been any touch better
Every time we kiss
The world glows when my eyelids part
And when you hold me
No other place is more comforting

My love, My friend
My joy, My inspiration
You're my reason to live again
You're the reason love is real
You're the very essence of love
You're the reason I understand the Father better

This love that we share
There's nothing to compare
'Tis like Revelation to me
Like wine made from the best grapes
Like a furniture from the finest wood
Never going stale

And against all odds
Even when you don't feel or see it
Be rest assured that what we have is true
Not a fight, a misunderstanding, a stranger
Can stop me from hanging on to the hope
That we will find ourselves again

If love was perfume
My heartbeat!
I'll lavish mine on you
Till every single drop is gone
You'll ever be
In this heart of mine